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Kemetic Temples And Shrines

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Temple Of Anu

Hem NTR Naswt Biti Ra Sankhu Kheper
Newark, New Jersey

The Temple of Anu is an Afra-Kemetic based spiritual house where we are kemmited to Akhuut: the outward cultural expression of internal spiritual goals and objectives. By kemmitting ourselves to higher divine and sacred principles we learn to transcend the tendency of living life based on narrow and negative traumas, complexes and issues. Our curriculum is designed to develop character and personal power which results in heightened awareness. 


The objective is to serve NTR through ancient as well as modern practical rituals and ceremonies (culture). Initiates and supporters of the Temple of Anu innerstand that successful nation-building cannot take place until each individual successfully raises his/her present spiritual consciousness.


We must dedicate ourselves to NTR - then everything we do will be in its proper place in the universal order of things (Maat).

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Nu Aset Temple

Hemt NTR Sharrur Tepramutab
Cleveland Ohio

Nu Aset Temple is a Kemetic based Temple in honor of the Divine Feminine Aset/Het Heru. Nu Aset Temple was founded in 2005. The Nu Aset Temple is located midtown Cleveland Ohio. 

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Ra Sekhi Arts Temple

Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet

Ra Sekhi Arts Temple was created to promote health and wellness in our community via classes, workshops, videos, consultations, and events.


Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki is an ancient healing modality that has been reactivated again to bring about balance and healing for our community.


We share tools and techniques to heal the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. We use all things natural in our healing system. We use crystal therapy, sound therapy, aromatherapy, the power of intention, concentration, focus, symbols, mantras and other ancient healing techniques in our work.


We pray for MAAT to be restored on Earth once again...we work to make it so...THE POWER IS IN OUR HANDS

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Shrine of Ma'at

Hm Ntr Djeden Maat Aten-Ra
Hmt Wr Nfr-Ka Ma'at
Harlem, NYC
The Shrine of Ma'at seeks to restore our Ancient Afrikan/Kemetic rituals and traditions through intense study, practice, and meditation.  There are over 10,000 years of wisdom that we can tap into in order to maintain balance within our lives and our relationships.  The shrine intends to provide resources that will assist in the personal and spiritual growth of individuals and the development of the Diasporic Afrikan community using Ancient Kemetic principles.
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Kera Jhuty Heru Neb Hu

Mfundishi Jhutyms En Ka Heru Hassan Salim
New York City

Kera Jhuty Heru Neb Hu is a Kemety Spiritual House established in the Amenta (West). It consists of Kommitted sisters and brothers who are dedicated to the re-establishment of Kemet and the Kemety Legacy on the Mental, Physical and Spiritual planes through the resurrection of ancient rituals and ceremonies.

The Abu (Priestship) of Kera Jhuty Heru Neb-Hu is focused on our Afrakan Heritage and Spiritual System and manifesting these principles on a daily basis. Kera Jhuty Heru Neb-Hu is Kommitted to nation building and raising the collective Konsciousness amongst Afrakan people guided by the 42 Oracles of Maát.

Shrine of Ptah

Heru Ankh Ra Semahj SePtah
Our elder shrine which paved the way for all others.  PTAH in Khamitic kosmology was referred to as the “Opener of the Way” and the Restorer of a new foundation. Today, we ancestral ascendants of this great civilization are awakening in AMENTA (the West). Our consciousness has been awakened by the works, words and legacy of our esteemed ancestors, elders, and scholars. 
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The House of Nejter; Kemetic Orthodoxy

Rev. Tamara L. Siuda
USA and International Sites

Kemetic Orthodoxy is a modern practice of the religious tradition of Ancient Egypt, known to its own people as Kemet. Through a foundation of ancient thought and spiritual structure, Kemetic Orthodox devotees are able to follow a path their forebears first walked more than 4,000 years ago. Kemetic Orthodoxy is an African Traditional Religion, and bears similarity to other African Traditional and African Diasporic religions (such as the West African religions of the Yoruba, Akan, Congo, and Dahomeyan peoples; and Afro-Caribbean practices of Vodou, Candomble, and Lukumi) as well as spiritual practices from northeastern Africa and the ancient Near East. Practicing Kemetic Orthodoxy requires a commitment to understanding a cultural heritage established in the past, which Kemetic Orthodoxy continues to respect and represent, even in places and times well removed from its original practice.

*Note* There are multiple locations and individual temples, shrines, and study groups that are affiliated with Kemetic Orthodoxy.  See a list of their multiple locations HERE

Contemporary Kemetic Temples, Shrines, Study Groups, and or Kemmunities can be challenging to find due to their relatively smaller size compared to mainstream spiritual/cultural/religious movements, the decentralized nature of the Kemetic community, and the preference for local or online gatherings, making it important to actively seek out and connect with like-minded individuals for a vibrant Kemetic community experience. So if you know of a group that should be added to our list, please feel free to . . . 

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