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Here are some free materials from Menyet: Kemetic Living.


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Recomended Reads 

by Menyet

One of the most frequent questions that I have come across over the years is Where do I start? Some even take it a step further and ask, What books should I read? This Free PDF provides recommended reads for various levels, from seekers, to initiates. 

Selections from the Husia: Sacred Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

by Maulana Karenga
A selection and retranslation of the oldest sacred text in the world, with critical commentaries on the richness of the African spiritual achievement and legacy in ancient Egypt. In this selection, we read the earliest written record of the dawning of humanity's structured consciousness concerning spirituality and ethics. Here we find, for the first time in human history, the concepts of Maat (truth, justice, rightness), humans in the image of God, human dignity, judgment after death, free will, immortality of the soul, human equality, and social justice.
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