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Menyet: A Reintroduction

It has been quite some time since I've sat down and written, much less updated my blog.  So...

I am a 34-year-old native to New Jersey. I have been a vegetarian, for at least the past nine years, but recently returned back to the world of animal-based protein. By day I work as a High School teacher, I love to go to museums, enjoy a good movie, trying out new foods and thoroughly love traveling and seeing this great big world.

For the past ten years, I have also been on the journey of self-knowledge through the Kemetic faith.  It has been a long, long road, but it has been quite fruitful. Though it is not as well known in its ritual and spiritual expression, the Kemetic faith is one that is both very popular but also very misunderstood.  So, as I continue to grow, I would like to both document this journey as well as create a space and body of work that expresses the true nature and even struggles of being a Kemite in the 21st century.  In addition to updating my blog, I have also decided to update my other social media platforms to coincide with this new vision and focus. So, feel free to join me on social media for more.

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