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Recommended Reads - 001 General Introduction to the Kemetic Legacy

The following is the first in a series of posts of recommended books for people who are interested in becoming a practitioner of the Kemetic Legacy. The first section is:

001 - General Introduction to the Kemetic Legacy

These books explain the basic framework/beliefs and philosophy of the spiritual system of Kemet. This body of literature is geared for people who know very little about Ancient Kemet outside of the basic familiarity as introduced in public schooling. This is also for those who have recently decided to leave the spiritual systems of their upbringing and are "searching" for a new spiritual/religious experience. These are books that I personally found helpful when I was first introduced to the Kemetic legacy.


☥ ☥ Side Note ☥ ☥

The following list is purposefully brief. For those who are interested and really just want a snapshot of the overall beliefs, philosophy and basic rituals of modern Kemetic practitioners.

To uphold and maintain ma'at, I would like to be clear that I am not receiving payment to promote any of the literature in any of these lists. In an effort to maintain ma'at, I always recommend supporting your local Black-owned book store to purchase any books, however sometimes one might not live within proximity to one, or the particular book may not be carried by the establishment. So, out of convenience, I have added links for each book on Amazon.



The following books are all books that have to deal with the basic beliefs, philosophies and meant to provide context for those who are new to understanding spirituality in Ancient Kemet.

Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe

by Moustafa Gadalla

I recommend this book because it is clear, concise, and gets straight to the point about the basic symbols, spiritual and cultural context of Kemetic Spirituality. Overall the book is only 166 pages in length and each chapter averages between 2 - 6 pages each. Another reason that I enjoy reading books by Gadalla is that he uses the indigenous names rather than the Greek translated names. This becomes very helpful for the beginner because it's a great way to start training one's mind to "think Kemetically".


Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are The One

by Moustafa Gadalla

My reasoning for recommending this book is quite similar to the explanation provided above. In 108 pages, this book will help newcomers to have a basic understanding of the idea of divinity as expressed by the Ancient Kemety. In this book, Gadalla explains the basic attributes of 80 NTRU (Divine manifestations of the Creator), symbolism as related to the NTRU. This is helpful particularly for those coming from Abrahamic traditions of understanding NTR (The creator).


Maat: Guiding Principles of Moral Living

by University of Kmt Press

This book is a little more lengthy but it is well worth it. Overall the book is 572 pages but it is incredibly detailed, which is one of the reasons I recommend it. When I say detailed, I mean it. When putting this book together I can surmise that the contributors truly wanted to set up a one-stop-shop for understanding ancient Kemet. It covers history, morals, values, ethics, Ssh Mdw Ntr/Rny Kmt (written language and spoken language of ancient Kemet) and provides numerous examples and illustrations for the modern aspirant.

In addition to this, this book frames Kemetic spirituality and philosophy in an African and context for the Black practitioner, which is all too often missing in many books about Ancient Kemet. While this is strength, I also have the critique that this is a book written by scholars and intellectuals rather than practitioners, so there are overtones of Pan-Africanism and Nationalism, which while positive given the current social structure, they are not exclusive of the spiritual system.



Wisdom Texts are various books that are often times (English or other modern languages) translations and compilations of ancient papyri from Kemet. The topics of these books are religious in nature and span myths, teachings, instructions, literary texts, tales, poems and funerary texts of Ancient Kemet.

Egyptian Proverbs (Tem T Tchaas)

by Muata Ashby

This volume is a compilation of the most important wisdom and mystical aphorisms of ANcient Egypt. For the first time in one volume, --Ancient Egyptian Proverbs, wisdom teachings and meditations. EGYPTIAN PROVERBS is a unique collection of knowledge and wisdom which you can put into practice today and transform your life. I choose this book for those who are brand new to the legacy because it makes the wisdom texts accessible and easy to look up according to the topic and needs of the reader. Similar to other people who turn to religion and spirituality in times of need, I found this book to be very helpful as it provided me with my favorite quote that truly helped me overcome a very difficult part of my life:


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