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Cowrie shells were used for centuries as among various native civilizations for a multitude of purposes. From currency, to jewelry, divination and other ritual practice the cowrie shell is a versatile item. In ancient Kemet the cowrie shell is most associated with Ntrt Anuket 


"The start of the annual flooding of the Hapi [Nile] signified the commencement of the Festival of Anuket. People threw coins, jewelry, gold, cowrie shells, and other precious gifts to honor her and thank her life-giving waters and for a year of bountiful harvest in the fertile agricultural lands." 


Modern practitioners have also been known to use the cowrie shell for other Ntrt in their practice, such as Ntrt(s) Het-Hru, Nebet-Het, Auset, Heqet, Spdt and or Tefnut. 


Each package of cowrie shells is ____ oz and has aproximatly _____ pieces contained. 


Cowrie Shells

SKU: 0000000900
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