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Goloka Essential Oil 10ml - Ginger


Ginger Essential oil is extracted from the ginger rhizome after a distillation process. Like other essential oils, it’s very concentrated.




Emotions: Ginger essential oil is extremely effective for stress, anxiety, depression, mental exhaustion, and restlessness, as it has a very potent stimulating and invigorating effect on the mind. The oil also works as an aphrodisiac simply for its scent alone. Gingers spicy and sweet aroma allows one to be mentally energized, alive, and awake!


Skincare: Ginger essential oil has been added as an ingredient to many mainstream skin rejuvenating creams and serums. However, for the positive effects of ginger without other deteriorating ingredients, it may be added to a more natural skincare serum. Ginger is extremely detoxifying and stimulates circulation, which allows the skin to receive more nutrients and oxygen, resulting in improved appearances. The stimulating and detoxifying properties of ginger also allow it to be beneficial for the treatment of cellulite. Ginger is also antioxidant, which prevents and heals free radical damage to the skin. The oil will also slow the skins aging process, as it revitalizes skin elasticity and firmness. As ginger is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic, it proves to be and excellent facial cleanser and keeps skin free of blemishes and acne.


Physical: Ginger essential oil is a wonderful aid to digestion, as it is added to many foods in India and Asia for this property. The oil is also very helpful as a remedy for food poisoning, as it is very effective with calming an upset stomach and suppressing nausea and vomitting. Ginger contains a very beneficial and extremely potenct enzyme called Zingibain, an amazing naturally occuring pain reliever, which helps improve digestion, relax muscles, and reduce inflammation. This enzyme contributes to gingers ability to treat muscle aches and pains, arthritis, headaches, migraines, and rheumatism. Ginger also helps with respiratory issues, as it removes mucus from the lungs and throat, as it is a great expectorant. An excellent property of ginger is that it prevents the growth and proliferation of cancer cells!


Spiritual: Ginger has many magical benefits, including: attraction, courage, love, money, peace, prosperity, and purification. It also helps to clear negativity!



Thought used for many different things, it is important that you research how you are using them before you start as they can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation if not used correctly. Further, the content herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Dimension: Height 6.2cm Diameter 2.4cm 10ml

Ginger Essential Oil 10ml -Goloka Essential Oils [Brand]

SKU: 17527
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